Finding Lightworker Clients Doesn't Have to Be So Hard - We'll Show You

by Ron Carlson, Lights On Business

Home of the 5 Minute Business Builder

You probably got the memo out there, right? “Step right up to get clients, easy-peasy clients. Right this way, join the latest and greatest ‘shiny-object’ along with 1,000’s of others and follow our system exactly “.

Just “follow their system.”

But, what if that system cuts across the grain of your natural style?

What if it just feels sleazy?

What if it’s not authentic to you?

Now what?

Maybe you’ve tried “systems” like that and got disappointing results.

It can be very, very different and around here, it is.

Around here, we tailor the client’s journey with you to be authentic to YOU.

5 natural and organic steps that feel good to be with.

We’re about to roll-out a tool designed to help you do just that. Ready?

5 Minute Lightworker Client Finder

We’ll show you the 5 Natural, Client Journey Steps and how to know which step needs more of your attention.

Once we show you, you can check your own business in 5 minutes, or less.

How does that feel for a change?

Ron D. Carlson

Showing Lightworkers How to Grow a Business That They Love

Relief is Coming, You Deserve It

Lights On Business

Home of the 5-Minute Business Builder

Ready to grow Your Lightworker Business into one You Love? l have developed a program revised just for 2025 just for Lightworkers. The new program is called Lightworker 5- Minute Business Builder.

This isn’t just another "get clients" program where you're taught someone else's one-size-fits-all all system and expected to make it work for you. This is about nailing down a couple of core steps in a way that is authentic to you, your niche and your superpowers. This program is designed for Lightworkers, not widget sellers.

This isn't some "pdf dump" either. You're getting all 3 of the vital business growing modules

5-Minute Client Finder

5-Minute Value Validator

5-Minute Problem Solver

Jump on this if you want to make 2025 your Lightworker Business year!

(c) copyright 2021 - 2024 by Ron. Carlson, Lights On Business.