by Ron Carlson, Lights On Business
Home of the 5 Minute Business Builder
Are you still following recommended techniques from pre-2020?
Time to check-in. Some things aren’t working like they used to!
If you feel like you are running around in circles like you’re on a hamster wheel, you may be stuck in a “guru loop”! You’re following advice that is taking you round and round in nonproductive circles.
If you are not getting responses like you used to, it may be that the approach you are using isn’t working in the ever-more crowded Lightworker Business market.
Whatever kind of Lightworker you are, energy healer, massage therapist, reiki practitioner, intuitive,….
Getting Organic (read Free) Traffic Free Traffic is A Lot Slower
We all want traffic to our website or blog, lead magnet or event, right? It used to be that we could do lots of posting and that would bring us loads of yummy free traffic. The idea was to build our email list for free. My experience is that free traffic dried up considerably as social media became more and more crowded. If you are feeling that you are not being noticed attempting to get free names and emails, you’re not alone. Free Traffic is way down Facebook has changed its algorithm (again) and is showing your organic items to fewer and people.
I now expect to pay to get yummy leads. and website visitors more than I get them organically for free.
By the way, in case you’re wondering, I use Pinterest. I find it advantageous for a number of reasons. That’s another story. Hop on a free call and I’ll tell you more than I can here.
Facebook Groups for Free Business
Remember Groups being a really live thing? Facebook Challenges, growing the group, Moving people into your funnel from there? Been there myself, done that. Actually, with two groups
List Building Through Freebies
It wasn’t that long ago that list building worked by giving away a freebie, right? Then a bigger freebie. then maybe a course or a strategy call and so on. People are more cynical now. It takes a lot more to convince them to give you their name and email than it did just a few years ago. I used to participate in Giveaways. Remember those? I no longer do as the return wasn’t worth the time.
SEO for National/International Traffic
My keyword emphasis now is on Pinterest in my pins and on my boards there. Many don’t know this, but Pinterest is a searchable social site. Keywords matter there.
I’m no longer putting much effort into SEO on my website as I am not trying to rank in Google search for international traffic. Now, if your business involves local people seeing you, well then, by all means, look to your site keywords for local search.
Long Sales Pages and Equally Long Funnels
My experience is that my audience is bombarded with incoming attepts to get their attention. Studies show the average attention span is down under 10 seconds.. People aren’t going to linger to read long copy if that’s your first point of contact. Sure, if you have nurtured them, and they are ready to consider a higher ticket package, then give them details. Just, not at first.
I get in front of 10,000’s of eyeballs monthly, a paragraph at a time. If you want to talk about that, just hop on a free call. Love to hear from you!
How About a Virtual Cup of Tea and Time for Q&A?
Have questions? How about a Q&A call to explore more about yourself and your Lightworker Business.
Ask about this article or other aspects of growing your business! 30 minute, Zoom-audio call, FREE.
This is a one-time, no strings attached offer. Come have a cup of virtual tea, relax in a safe space to just ask.
One - Time Complimentary Call
Ron D. Carlson
Showing Lightworkers How to Grow a Business That They Love
Relief is Coming, You Deserve It
Lights On Business
Home of the 5-Minute Business Builder
Ready to grow Your Lightworker Business into one You Love? l have developed a program revised just for 2025 just for Lightworkers. The new program is called Lightworker 5- Minute Business Builder.
This isn’t just another "get clients" program where you're taught someone else's one-size-fits-all all system and expected to make it work for you. This is about nailing down a couple of core steps in a way that is authentic to you, your niche and your superpowers. This program is designed for Lightworkers, not widget sellers.
This isn't some "pdf dump" either. You're getting all 3 of the vital business growing modules
5-Minute Client Finder
5-Minute Value Validator
5-Minute Problem Solver
Jump on this if you want to make 2025 your Lightworker Business year!
(c) copyright 2021 - 2024 by Ron. Carlson, Lights On Business.