by Ron Carlson, Lights On Business
Home of the 5 Minute Business Builder
Hiding Behind a Mask? Invisible to Clients?
Sometimes it can be a challenge to reveal the real and authentic you, especially to clients. We may feel we have something to prove, right?
In a minute, we’re get to what your clients REALLY want, but first, let’s look at the hiding.
It could be what I call “hiding syndrome”, feeling doubt about whether your practitioner act is really good enough. You’re not alone – studies suggest that 70% of people experience this syndrome at some point in their career.
Have you ever felt like you don’t belong, especially as a “leader” for your clients? There may be a fear of being “found out” that you aren’t as good as you advertised.
If you can relate, you have have “hiding syndrome” piggy backing on your real success.
Signs You Might Be Suffering from “Hiding Syndrome”
Do you relate to any of these patterns?
Experiencing “hiding syndrome” can limit your confidence to go after new opportunities because you feel that you do not deserve it.
Luckily, there are some steps you can take to give yourself more credit and start overcoming those feelings of self-doubt.
The first and most important one is to discover your unique “Flame of Genius”. This is what your clients truly want to feel so they can connect authentically to you.
And, feeling the need to hide behind a mask drops away and the real you shines forth!
Make sure to sign up for the webinar!
Other Steps to Overcome “Hiding Syndrome”
1. Acknowledge imposter feelings. Recognize when you start feeling like an imposter. Instead of engaging with your thoughts of self-doubt, acknowledge that it is a normal response.
2. Understand the root of the cause. Why do you think you feel like you don’t belong? Is it due to a fear of failure? Do you believe that you don’t deserve success? Why or why not?
3. Focus on facts, not feelings. When you start feeling like a fraud, focus on positive facts. For example, maybe you were chosen for to help this client because of your unique qualifications.
4. Ask yourself if that thought helps or hinders you. Does feeling fraudulent help or hinder you? Is that what you want to be? What kind of person do you want to be?
5. Reframe your thoughts. Instead of telling yourself that you don’t deserve success, reframe your thoughts to give yourself more credit and enjoy the experience.
6. Accept that it’s okay to make mistakes. Instead of fearing failure, develop a healthy response to making mistakes. Accept that it’s normal to make mistakes and learn from each mistake instead.
7. Reach out for support. Having a safe space to receive support will help you reduce feelings of being an imposter. When you feel imperfect, make a mistake, or receive a compliment, your first instinct may be to hide. Instead, start reaching out to an encouraging mentor, coach, or colleague for support.
Hiding syndrome can make you feel like you’re not good enough, you don’t belong, or you are undeserving. But it’s important to remind yourself that learning and making mistakes do not make you a fraud – it makes you human and a human is exactly what your client wants.
Hope you’ll register for the webinar as we reveal why finding your own, unique “Flame of Genius” is so important.
Ron D. Carlson
Showing Lightworkers How to Grow a Business That They Love
Relief is Coming, You Deserve It
Lights On Business
Home of the 5-Minute Business Builder
Ready to grow Your Lightworker Business into one You Love? l have developed a program revised just for 2025 just for Lightworkers. The new program is called Lightworker 5- Minute Business Builder.
This isn’t just another "get clients" program where you're taught someone else's one-size-fits-all all system and expected to make it work for you. This is about nailing down a couple of core steps in a way that is authentic to you, your niche and your superpowers. This program is designed for Lightworkers, not widget sellers.
This isn't some "pdf dump" either. You're getting all 3 of the vital business growing modules
5-Minute Client Finder
5-Minute Value Validator
5-Minute Problem Solver
Jump on this if you want to make 2025 your Lightworker Business year!
(c) copyright 2021 - 2024 by Ron. Carlson, Lights On Business.