Ninja Niche Workshop

Which of These 5 Niche Types Are You Using?

Only One of Them Works Well for Energy Workers,

Lightworkers and Related Coaches

This Workshop Includes

  • Video Workshop Presentation
  • Downloadable Handout
  • Transcript

The Big Mistake!

If your messaging and approach include some of these niche mistakes, these are likely costing you in serving more, well-suited clients. Yikes! Let’s fix this and get you more lightworker clients.

The big mistake many lightworkers make, without even knowing it, is selling prospects something that the clients may want second or third, but not first.

If you are selling something that appeals to YOU but is NOT what your prospect is most looking for FIRST to solve a problem, you’ve got a BIG disconnect! You haven’t actually niched-down, you mis-niched.

The 5 Types of Niches often Used by Energy Healers and Lightworkers:
  • Noble Niche
  • Nerdy Niche
  • Nimble Niche
  • Normal Niche
  • Nailed It Niche

Enjoy checking out these 5 common niche types and see if you are using the type that works best!

I. Here is the Video Presentation of the Workshop:

II. Here is the Handout for the Workshop:

III. Here is the Transcript for the Workshop:

1) Noble Niche - called to serve the world, to help people.

Overly broad When we're afraid to miss a potential client, we can spread our

message to be very broad so that we don't miss potential business. Picking a broad

coverage area, like, I am a healer, I am an energy worker, I am a coach, doesn't work well.


The problem is the lack of focus means your yummiest prospects don't

notice you above all the noise. Put another way, why should they pick you? There are

millions of other healers, energy workers and coaches.

If you want to be a one-size fits all practice, count on spending a LOT of money on

advertising because you are literally competing with 10 million Lightworkers who are

competing over 100 million clients.

Your niche simply cannot be "I can help everyone" once you get started in your

practice. Yes, you probably can help loads of people. But, that's not the question. The

question is, can potential clients find you above the noise of all the other

practitioners now crowding the marketplace. Maybe, maybe not.

2) Nimble Niche - A niche choice that is here today and gone

tomorrow, flexible but fleeting.

Changing faster than the seasons so that people don't get a good feel for

what, exactly you do. It ends up being too general like the Noble Niche by

shifting too often to try to please more people.

A niche choice is not a vitamin, "One a Day" . Energy sensitive people need to feel

you as authentic and connected. Switching niches often can come across as flakey

or unsure.

3) Nerdy Niche - nerdish niche, credentials, licenses and lingo niche, proof of mastery by credentials and licenses, using your professional title as your niche.

This amounts to selling your specialty - You have loads of training, multiple

certificates and experience. I am [insert your professional title].

Try writing out your title including all of your certifications for example, "I am a certified, 3rd level, cerebral-spinal, thoracic release adept offering subluxational adaptive techniques

and locked field release."

Ok, I made that up to be ridiculous.

Still, I invite you to write out all of your credentials in a single sentence. Then step back and ask, "Has a single client every asked for that?"

Nope, they haven't have they.

Thinking your professional "title" equals your niche is a mistake. They may not know

what you actually do and, they actually don't want to know, not yet.

They first want a problem solved. They mostly don't want to know a lot about your years of training, credentials and modalities, not at first.

Can you help them with your problem? They need to

hear that within the first 30 seconds or they may keep looking, elsewhere! IF you get past the step of communicating that yes, you can help them with their problem,

THEN they may ask how you do that. That's for later.

4) Normal Niche - Thinking Your Normal, emotionally bland Elevator Pitch will

sell them on it's own.

You likely know the format. This is a short spiel that lasts about the time it takes for

an elevator ride. Think captive audience. Not exactly an appealing proposition to

begin with.

I help _______________ (what kind of person in a couple of words)

Who have/struggle with ________________ (what is their perceived issue)

To ______________________ (what do they get from you)


I help struggling entrepreneurs to find their niche focus and double their business.

While descriptive, this is hardly juicy or compelling. The next step is often if the

listener says “and how do you do that” and we tell them about our methods.

Ooops. We’re likely to lose them right there. What's the Critical Missing Piece in

your Elevator Pitch when used as a Normal Niche? The emotional relief that

your client gets by working with you on this pain point.

Try adding this to the end of your elevator pitch:

I help _______________ (what kind of person in a couple of words)

Who have/struggle with ________________ (what is their perceived issue)

To ______________________ (what do they get from you)

So That they Feel ______________ (what's the emotion of relief feel like).

5) Nailed it Niche - Specific, to the point and passionate.

You cover all of the aspects of Niche 4 AND you are really specific of what issue you

solve AND you pick a specific issue that YOU as the provider love to work on and feel

passionate about doing. The niche is so specific that there may be no one else in

your network focusing on this exact issue.

(c) copyright 2023 - 2024 Ron D. Carlson Lights On Business, all rights reserved